Thursday, December 26, 2019

Twitter users share odd things theyve learned from jobs

Twitter users share odd things theyve learned from jobsTwitter users share odd things theyve learned from jobsA viral tweetfrom this past weekend shows that the concept of work doesnt always boil down to your typical, corporate office job. In fact, people know about a bunch of subjects from having toiled away in all kinds of positions.what absolutely embarrassing dumb crap lives inside your head because of your current or old day job(s)? mine include recipes for toffee, weird serial codes for air conditioners, how to break down a shooting script, and the basic principles of how to make dialysis water- L L has never been invited to a halloween party W (LLW90210) achter monat des jahres 26, 2018Heres how Twitter chimed inThe types of responses to this tweet ranged far and wideIts been twenty years since I was a pool lifeguard but I can still instantly distinguish distant thunder from any number of other faint low pitched rumbles.- John Limouze (johnlimouze) August 26, 2018Things Ive learned at Starbucks 19 different ways to calm people down when they hear we might get rid of straws How to throw a milk carton across an entire store and still make it in the trash- Kain ???? (kainswenson) August 27, 2018https//

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